Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My trip

How cool is it that my big huge awesome trip is so close that I can look at what the weather will be like on the 5 day forecast!!!!!

I checked it out and it says it will probably rain on the first day we're there, but the second day will be partly sunny!

This week is pretty much a wash for me. I have absolutely no desire to get anything done. All I want to do is hang out with friends and pack for my trip. I think I'll end up taking a mostly empty suitcase and bringing back tons of souvenirs. I'm SUCH a tourist, but I don't care.

So, in case any of you were interested, here is the barebones plan of our trip.

Arrive in London and rent a car to drive up to Carnforth, which is in the Lake District (I think). This will be an adventure since none of us know our way around and we'll be driving on the wrong side of the road.

We will spend 6 days up there touring around checking out the countryside and seeing castles and stuff. One day we are driving up to Scotland.

At the end of our trip we're spending 3 days seeing London. We are going to do all of the stuff that you really should see in London and hopefully go to a show one night.

Then I will fly back home to Colorado and somehow go back to school and work and being productive.

Until then,



  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Harrod's - you MUST see Harrod's while you are in London. The food courts are amazing! The war museum which was the WWII real war room is so very British - they just walked out, locked it & left. Now you can see the maps as they were on the last day of WWII. Enjoy!

  2. Oh, that is going to be a blast!!!!! Have fun!!! Eat some spotted dick for me! (Just kidding abt that last one)

  3. ahh!!! i am SORE jealous!!!

    i need a vacation. in a bad way.

  4. Have a wonderful vacation!! Take lots of pictures!
