Monday, July 31, 2006

Dear Michael Buble,

Hey pal, how's it goin?

Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that the show you played for my birthday in Spokane last week was freakin cool.

However, I've never been to a concert like yours before. Ever. And I have to admit that I've been to quite a few concerts in my time.

No one warned me that your concert, while filled with absolutely AMAZING music, lighting and stage presence, would be completely attended by crazy, randy, 40-somethings.

These women all flocked up to the stage and stretched out their hands to have that one brief moment of ecstasy that would be physically contacting you. It was strange. Does it ever make you kind of uncomfortable to be lusted after by women your mom's age (or older)? That would be pretty weird for me.

However, your show was just so good that I can over look that. I am so glad that you are around singing old standards. As a swing dancer and lover of everything vintage I am so impressed by your ability to conjure up the coolness of a bygone era. People of our generation hardly know the old songs of Ella and Frank. When I make a joke about the rat pack they shake their head, look at me and say, "did you mean to say 'snack pack' like from Billy Madison?"

So yeah, good show. Did you get a chance to see any of Spokane while you were there? I called you like a bazilllion times to see if you wanted to hang out with the ear doctor and I but you never returned my calls. (which, Mikey, is really quite rude). Anyway, here is a weekend re-cap of the activities that you missed out on.

The day after the show we went downtown to the thriving metropolis of Spokane, WA and saw Monster House. The lead character totally reminded me of my cousin Tyler. Then, we had a freakin awesome bbq with my bff Kathy and her baby Olivia (her hubby Matt came too). Olivia is getting so big and totally walks on her own now (kind of).

Friday morning the ear doctor, my mom and I drove out to the Hiawatha trail in Montana and did a 16 mile bike ride along an old railway track. It was beautiful. Western Montana is right up there for the most beautiful places on the earth.

Saturday I took my dad golfing at the course I worked in high school. Michael, I was totally hitting the ball like a pro! I was starting to have visions of my Nike endorsement and my joint celebrity status with Tiger. I only lost 2 balls!

On Sunday the most amazing thing happened. I flew from Spokane to Denver (via a layover in Vegas) without a single mishap. Both flights were on time, I got the seats I wanted, my luggage came over fine and I found my car without incident. It was really an amazing feat. I'm sure you can remember the days when you used to fly commercial airlines so you can truly appreciate how rare this is.

Thanks again for putting on that great show. If you're ever in Denver and looking for a place to stay my futon has your name written all over it.




  1. I know this is none of my business... but why aren't you engaged to the ear doctor by now?

    Just curious.


  2. I saw Michael in Vegas, at the Hilton. (Wait, the Hilton, was it?) Anyways, it was in Feb. of this year, and seeing him in person just SOLIDIFIED my love of him. Glad to see he's spreading joy in other parts of the country.

  3. I could have told you the concert would be full of horny 40 year olds. The only person I know who listens to Michael Buble is my 31 year old friend whose favorite band is Erasure. Eww. Once when I went over to her house she made me watch a Josh Groban concert on PBS.

    [Now is when I admit that I love that "Home" song by Michael Buble.]

  4. I love Michael Buble and the Josh Groban concert was one of the most amazing I've seen. Does that mean I'm prematurely aging?

  5. Possibly. Immediately check yourself for the following. Do you:
    a) have any gray hairs?
    b) listen to the John Tesh radio show?
    c) read Sunset?
    d) drive a Buick?
    e) ever use the phrase "in my day"?
    If you answered yes to any of the above, proceed to your nearest Rite Aid or CVS and buy Allure, Lucky, and a Lip Smackers Trio, preferably with at least one Dr Pepper flavor.
