Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Good Idea Bad Idea

Good Idea:
Inviting some people over to your house for Sunday night dinner.

Bad Idea:
Not having the ability to limit the guest list or tell anyone they can't come so you have no idea how many people are coming over.

Good Idea:
Making homemade pizza dough and letting each person build there own personal sized pizza.

Bad Idea:
Not realizing that each pizza will have to cook separately meaning that people were eating at all different times.

Good Idea:
Serving a delicious salad with the left overs of your bushel of fresh peaches.

Bad Idea:
Realizing way too late that you only have 1/3 of a bottle of salad dressing left. Dry salad=gross.

Good Idea:
Suggesting that after everyone had eaten we play a game.

Bad Idea:
Playing "Riff" on a Sunday night and throwing all attempts at keeping the day holy out the window. ("Riff" is a game you play with a DVD that shows clips of music videos and you have to name the video or the artist or another hit song from the same CD as the song on the video. BTW I totally rocked the Incubus question.)

Good Idea:
Since the spirit of the day had already been ruined, giving your friends a demo of the ear doctor's wicked cool swing dancing moves in my tiled foyer.

Bad Idea:
Him kicking the wall so hard that he almost broke his toe. (Though, to give him mad props he didn't stop dancing. He's so hardcore he totally played through the pain)

Good Idea:
Bring out the guitar so everyone can enjoy my friend Jed's awesome rendition of "Every Rose has a Thorn"

Bad Idea:
Letting my roommate bring out her bongos and incessantly beating them. Quelle headache!

Good Idea:
Going to bed early (midnight) before my guests even left.

Bad Idea:
Leaving the mountain of dishes scattered all over the house.

Good Idea:
Choosing awesome roommates who did the dishes without me the next day.


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    FUN!!!! These are good times :)

  2. WOW! Those ARE good roommates!

  3. 1. You have the best roommates EVER. Mine would have taken it as a sign that cleanliness is, from now on, optional. And they would have proceeded to leave pizza boxes, and plates, and cups, and spilled food EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!
    2. Too cute that you and the ear doctor swing dance. I MUST get Kyle to take some lessons with me.
    3. Mmmmmmmmmm... pizza.

  4. I have a CHI flat iron and i think everyone should have one!

    Love your blog. The look is awesome and so are your posts. I found you via Jordan but she doesn't know who I am.

  5. Sounds like a fun party! I have a policy of always leaving the dishes until the next morning. That way you can keep going later!
