Monday, August 21, 2006

Wake me up

School starts next Monday.


I can't believe that summer went so fast. Yet, on the other hand, it seems like forever since I've been in class.

This will be my last school year of my life and it's kind of cool to realize that. It's not like I'll ever stop wanting to be in school. I love school. I love being around people all learning new stuff. It's really such a part of my personality. Still, it'll be nice to be done and to have accomplished something pretty impressive for myself.

Anyway, that's all I'm thinking about this morning.


  1. Never say never!

    I thought I was done with school FOREVER in 2002. And now here I am getting a Master's Degree. You may find yourself - 3 years from now - wanting to go back to school to learn something new or to brush up on some old stuff. You never know.

    On the other hand, you'll pobably never be a full time student again... so in that sense - NEAT! You're Done!!!

    On a completely unrelated note: Your sis is preggers!?!?! Already!? Didn't she like JUST get married!? WOW! Well, CONGRATS!!!! Aunt Katie!! I like it! YAY! :)

  2. They've been married for over a year and she's 2 months along. I'm so excited for her....she's going to be the cutest pregnant girl ever!

  3. What graduate degree and/or emphasis will you be completing? Incredible to be in you last year of school…what a feeling!

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Does Courtney know that you are getting your Master's? Anyway, pizza is the only good reason to get good grades, and I am glad that you are in on the goal. And I am SOSOSOSOSOSO excited for Maggie. You tell her that for me! And we got pregnant with Oliver only 6 months after we got shes a vetran compared to us :) Lastly, we are SO excited to see you whenever you make it out here!
