Monday, November 06, 2006

I don't want to...

steal my sister's thunder here, but I'm just so excited I can barely contain myself.

My sister is having a little GIRL!!!!!!!

She hasn't posted anything yet about the ultrasound that happened this morning, but I'm sure she will soon, so head on over and send her a congrats!


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for her!!!!! Do they have a name picked out yet? (We knew Olivia's name after 6 weeks) I just know that baby is going to be so cute!!!

  3. They do have a name, but I don't want to be the one who tells the whole internet.

  4. You're a good sister....she posted the name on her blog, for any others interested...

  5. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Brunette or redhead - what do you think? Remember Dan's brother with dark hair has produced 2 blondes, one with blue eyes.
