Friday, December 08, 2006

Chocolate Baklava (I have some leftover phyllo dough that I need to use up)

Delicious Cherry Crescents. So festive! (If I serve this I MUST have that cute green cake stand)

The cute maraschino cherry garnish on top of these cheesecake bars are perfect, don't you think?

Pretty standard sandwich cookies with a raspberry jam filling. The piping work may be more work that I want to invest.

These cookies are so cute, but might not be really tasty. It's just frosting on graham crackers with pretzels, red hots and chocolate chips. If I can find a little sleigh to display them in I think I just might have to make these.

Just cute Christmas sandwich cremes. Sugar cookies with vanilla frosting.


  1. You can make Baklava? I had the best from Harry & David last week & now must have it!

  2. I vote option 1 or 2 - they look SOOOOOO good!!

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I think you should make them all! If I have to pick one though I would vote for the mint swirl bars.

