Friday, January 12, 2007

Sore Calves

I pulled an Aunt Marci. For some reason she seems to come down with a cold the day after every single snow storm. It got to the point with her old job that there was an unspoken understanding that she would need a substitute to come teach her students if that powder was fresh.

Yesterday, I told work I wasn't coming and I drove up to the mountains for a day of skiing...and it was amazing.

My awesome work buys 4 season passes to a local mountain every year and you get two chances in the season to use them. Yesterday was my day.

Wednesday night I laid out all of my clothes and gear at the foot of my bed in preparation for the day. That whole night I couldn't sleep. I kept walking up thinking about turns and feeling the chill air in my nose. We left the house only 45 min later than planned (pretty typical for a ski day) and headed away from real life and up to a care-free wonderland.

We pulled into the parking lot and I was astounded by how vacant the resort was. I've never really skiied on a week day and the whole resort was ours for the taking. We spent most of the day on the greens teaching my friend how to snowboard. I didn't really mind because it gave me a chance to really work on getting my technique better. It was also really interesting to think about my own learning days only 3 years ago and ruminate about how much I've improved since then. Also, I realized how much I appreciate my friends and family who waited so patiently with me while I was bumbling down the hill.

We stopped for lunch and ate overpriced sandwiches that made everyone feel gross.

I had two very interesting conversations while riding the lifts.

I ate a stale asiago cheese bagel to keep up my strength.

And, I didn't fall once all day.


  1. OK, I post this here because I don't feel right about calling you again on the ear dr's phone, but... would the two of you like to join me at Big Sky Ski Resort in March? I think that it is the first weekend of your spring break and I have to be at the Urology Conference and I already have a room and all... What do you think?

  2. Isn't that when my baby is due?! What are you doing at a ski resort when my baby is due mom?

  3. fun fun fun!

    but you gotta fall in order to get better!

  4. Anonymous6:57 AM

    PERFECTION!!!! When I read posts like this, I am so jealous of your location!! Amy & Tom are moving to CO in May and I CANNOT WAIT to visit out there, I've always wanted to go.
