Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Trying not to take it personal

Someone insinuated that I was a "damn fool" today in an email.....

....behind my back....

....that was forwarded to me.....

.....AT WORK!

Chew on that.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Forward the email to them, CC their boss and ask whether he would like to discuss this with his boss or HR first.


  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Oh Katie I can't believe they had the nerve to even forward it to you. I've never commented obviously but when I read this this morning I couldn't help but relate.
    A few weeks ago I just happened to be shown an email that was from a manager that I enter hours for. Basically because he is soo busy and since I do tend to have a lot of time on my hands I have taken over this task for him out of courtesy and lets be honest boredom. Anyways in the email he complained to my boss that he felt I wasn't checking enough times during the day to see if the hours I enter were approved yet. I was so furious and I couldn't say a thing to my coworker who showed me the email (likely without realizing what it said about me). Seriously I'm helping him with his job and I receive emails as well as him when the hours are approved. He ought to know that the issues of getting approved hours by the deadline isn't my fault cause he sees when they are approved. Its actually the people who approve the hours that are slacking and instead of realizing this he had to go and email my boss and make me look incompetant.
    I never said anything to my boss or the manager about it and trust me I did come up with a few good comments but instead I've been overly meticulous (not that I wasn't before) with this task to make sure the manager knows I do take my job seriously and do the best I can at my job.


  3. How crappy! At least ED helped take your mind off the rudeness.

  4. Just remember the time my drunken father proclaimed, "It's Katie Timothy!! The smartest girl I know!!"

  5. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Tee hee - might not top it, but can match it.
    A co-worker complained of not having enough desks for students. I replied with a cleverly written email about my idea of bunk-desks where we could truly stack 'em deep and teach 'em cheap. He forwarded it to another co-worker with his comment. She REPLIED TO ALL (me included), that yes I was a sharp person, but added how she couldn't believe that I was dumb enough to live in Utah and teach Home Ec. She was a member of the English Department, not smart enough to send an email, and moved shortly thereafter to New Mexico.
