Monday, February 19, 2007

Valentines Day

Wow, how did I let an entire week slip by undocumented?!?!? Bad form!

Valentines day with my sweetheart this year was perfect. Sure, the stupid snow storm plugged up the entire freeway making us miss the awesome reservations that the ear doctor had made WAY in advance for that night. And, sure, we ended up eating in the bar of a chain restaurant in order to avoid terrible traffic. But the night was great.

We sat and laughed and I realized that I am so in love with this man. He is kind, funny, ambitous, dedicated, smart, a great dancer and easy on the eyes.

He did the most thoughtful, touching thing for me. Aside from the awesome monkey/heart socks, the gorgeous black beaded vintage style clutch and the tickets to go see wicked in May when the production tours Denver he did something that just knocked my socks off!

I've been really worried about finding time to pull together some research articles for my term paper for one of my classes. The resources I needed were all the way in Denver at the medical library and with the deadline approaching quickly (this Thursday!) I didn't see any way to get the work done. Well, without letting on, he took the time to go down to the library last week, gathered all my articles, put them on a flash drive and gave it to me as a gift.

I was so touched that I started tearing up.

Amazing man.

1 comment:

  1. that is awesome!!

    and i saw wicked this fall - it was wonderful!
