Monday, March 05, 2007

My movie review: Amazing Grace

This movie was good.

Maybe it was just that I was really in the mood to watch a period movie, or just sit in the dark with my sweet heart, but I totally enjoyed this one. It was smart, entertaining, engrossing and made me proud of having my ancestors in England. I found myself leaving thinking, "see, there were SOME people who didn't support the slave trade, and those are the ancestors I'm claiming."

It also was empowering. One person can make a difference.

Plus, on the girly side the costumes, hair, make-up and design were really pretty. Loved seeing a beautiful red head in a leading lady role. (wink)

Made me want to go back to Westminster Abbey (where he is buried) and thank great men like William Wilberforce.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for your movie reviews! i love that you see movies that people normally don't even hear about. that's just how i am!
