Monday, March 12, 2007

My movie review: Wild Hogs

From the trailers, this movie had the looks of another retarded "comedy" with no plot and no real laughs. It looked like the kind of movie my dad would beg the family to go to. The kind we'd all go because everyone gets to have a pick once in a while. The kind where he'd fall asleep 10 minutes in and then we would all be stuck, bearing the agony of 2 hours of lame, dirty jokes and no funny moments at all.

However, the trailers didn't do it justice. It was surprisingly funny and I found myself laughing really hard through most of the show.

Sure, some of the characters were unbelievable.

Sure, the whole thing was contrived for a laugh.

Sure, most of the jokes were obvious and could be seen coming from a mile away.

But, boy did I laugh! Hard, and through almost the entire thing.

Maybe it was that I went it with really low expectations, but this movie was a great Friday night date with my man.

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