Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Finding a Photographer

Today my aunt sent me this amazing photo of my cousin and her finance. They are getting married in just over 2 weeks. I think it is an amazing shot.

I love how perfectly it captures my cousin! The framing, the line...just perfect. Finding a great photographer is sooooo important to me. I want someone who is almost a photojournalist. I want them to capture really tender and moments. I want something really special to remember my day, like this photo.



    He's a wedding photojournalist. And a phenomenal one to boot!

  2. Gorgeous pic! Hilary looks so happy, and I love her dress!

  3. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Darling pic, but why are they taking wedding photos two weeks before the wedding? Kinda takes the fun out of seeing each other in your getup on the real day doesn't it?

  4. I kind of thought that too, but they wanted to take photos when there was no stress...makes sense, but maybe a little unromantic?

  5. I always liked fellow blogger Sarah Marinara's stuff. She's finally doing photography full time (mostly weddings) but she's out in Cali

  6. Anonymous2:28 PM

    You should check out Charlotte Geary-she is an amazing photographer!

  7. An amazing picture!!! And yes, I agree, the photographer is SOOOO SOOO SOOO important!!!

    But why is he seeing your cousin in her wedding dress BEFORE the wedding?? I'm confused.

  8. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Heather & Dave did a photot shoot before their wedding that was used as a slide show at the reception. They spent the day with the photographer at the beach, in the woods, etc, but NOT in their wedding clothes ( this seems to be a new idea). It made a great memory for them without "ruining the surprise" of the wedding dress.

  9. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Thanks for the comments on the picture kate!! My photographer is awesome! I hope you find someone you really like.
    Everybody is somewhat confused about the wedding dress before the wedding... I figured, that because I'm not actually getting married in it (temples just made a rule that you can't anymore), it's not my actual wedding dress.
    When he sees me in the temple, in my temple clothes, that will be the most important moment for me.
    So in actuality, I'm not really spoiling the surprise.


  10. That makes sense Hil. I think it's cool that you did what you wanted to do, that's what is really important. Props.
