Monday, April 09, 2007

Ready to get married

Well, I think I'm officially ready to get married.

You may be asking yourself, "how does she know, how can she be so sure?"

Well, I'll tell you how.

Yesterday I roasted an entire turkey all by myself, and it turned out perfectly. Golden brown on top, juicy in even the most top piece of breast meat. Even the microwaved leftovers are moist and delicious for lunch today.

I've arrived.


  1. Maybe I should have waited ~ I still don't cook well after 7 years! :)

  2. Yeah, if that is the hallmark for being prepared for marriage--I'm in dire straits.


  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    i'm impressed. i don't think i could cook a turkey that well! maybe i should have waited to get married!! :)

  4. Awesome...

    You guys are rad!

  5. Hmm, I'm not ready for marriage. This is a problem.

  6. It is really the true test, now see if you can cook it the same with your inlaws coming for dinner.
