Thursday, May 31, 2007


I have to admit something. I am a full fledged blog stalker of one of the coolest blogs. I love it so much because the life this woman is leading looks beautiful, ideal, and perfect. And it isn't in that, "look at how awesome I am, my family is totally perfect" way that could be annoying. The Nielsons simply seem amazing.

I'd love to be friends with them.

The series of posts Stephanie has written over the past couple of days about the Proclamation on the Family have really moved me.

Go over and check out the Nie Nie Dialogues if you want to see how awesome it can be to have a great little family.


  1. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Nice, other than the Mitt Romney bit. Ick.

  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Yes, so cute!
    (though I was a bit freaked out about the Mitt Romney bit too...)

    Love your engagement photos, by the way!!!


  3. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I just can't handle someone that is all family this and family that, but then doesn't think everyone (meaning gays) has the right to a family.

  4. Very cute pictures and a VERY cute little family. :)

  5. I love reading your blog...but have you seen this one you linked years ago lately? I feel terrible for what once was such a perfect family!
