Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Dress: Part II

I'm just going to brag here for a second about the awesomeness of my family. Specifically, the women in my family.

My grandma is awesome. Almost 75 years old and works out more frequently than I do. She has the energy of a teenager and can do anything.

My aunt is also pretty fabulous. She worked with high school kids for 25 years and still has the energy to teach. Now she's teaching at BYU between the days she goes skiing. I think she got over 50 ski days in this season!

Then there is my mom. What can I say about my mom other than she is amazing. Full time job, three awesome kids, can do Calculus in her head and also crochet a mean baby blanket.

The reason I am bragging about these three women is so that you can fully understand how awesome Monday was for me.

In 4 hours the 4 of us started, tailored and finished my WEDDING DRESS! I've never seen a more well-oiled machine. It was truly inspiring for me to watch their expertise so clearly demonstrated. Really quite amazing! All that is left now is the hem because I haven't bought my shoes yet. So I have my designer knock-off dress that cost about $300 and is probably made out of better fabric than the original. It is beautiful and I love it!


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    oh! and even better because it is made by people you love!
    your knock off dress is PRICELESS! You're so fortunate.

  2. 4 hours!!?? Wow. You guys rock. This dress is so much more special than anything you could have bought in a store! I can't wait to see pictures!!!

  3. I just watched the slideshow of your wedding photos on the photographer's site -your wedding dress was simply beautiful! I loved it!!! You looked completely and utterly gorgeous.
