Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The invitations

Be critical! What do you think? What should we change?

FYI-That solid dark line on the left side isn't really there.


  1. I love it. Good job.

  2. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I like the layout and design, but since you don't include our names or Spokane information, you will confuse all of the dummies like me that get the invite and then spend the next 4 weeks trying to figure out just who these people are, that have graciously invited me to such an important event. If you use one formal legal name you should use both formal legal names.. IMHO Mom

  3. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I think they are really pretty and I like the decor at the top at bottom. I so think the names look a little odd since it has his full name and not his. I'd say either use your full name or don't use his middle name. That is my only input!

  4. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Whao, I need to proofread before i comment. I meant to say "I also think the names look a little odd since it has his full name and not yours." I'm out of it!

  5. so cute! i love them.

    is there any way you can adjust the writing so "saints" isn't on a line all by itself?

  6. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I think the design should be smaller so the wording can be spread out more. The date should be on it's own line as well as the time and place. Things should be more centered.

  7. I really like the colors and definitely like the design at the top and bottom. I do agree that you should use the same format for both of your names. I think it is cool that you will have a completely unique invitation; and I really love all the thought that you have put into your wedding.

  8. Anonymous4:02 PM

    The middle section seems too word-dense. Maybe line breaks after "on" and "seven"? You could even use different font sizes to make the date and/or the location stand out.

    I like the curly-cue things, but they are too dominant. Maybe a lighter color? Smaller size?


  9. I agree with the wording on the names as mentioned above. I worry that with all that wording being in such a light color and all tight together, that it might be hard to read. I also find it...different...that the scrolls are black, and everything else is brown and blue. Maybe the scrolls brown too so you dont have black and brown??

    I can't click on the invite to make it bigger, so maybe all my thoughts are just because it all appears so small on my screen.

    But I do love it! It seems very YOU! Which means it is perfect!

  10. This is my graphic design geek side coming out!

    You should work with your paragraph formatting so you don't have "orphans" (single words on their own lines) and so that you have a little bit more of a margin on the sides before the edge.

    Pretty cool otherwise! How exciting!
