Monday, May 14, 2007

The registry

So the ear doctor and I are officially registered. Hooray! Everyone told me that registering would be awful. A pain in the neck that was really annoying.

For us, it was awesome! We had so much fun walking around and scanning for tons of awesome stuff. I felt a little strange about the whole process. Seriously asking people for specific gifts seems so foreign. On one hand, it is nice to help people pick out something, and nice to give a large variety of things to choose from. On the other, I would never want someone to look at this list and think, jeez, they're sure expecting their friends to shell out a ton of money on gifts. I would be mortified if anyone ever thought that.

Anyway, we're officially registered at:

Crate & Barrel

Bed, Bath, and Beyond


REI (please, someone, get that sleeping bag for me!)


  1. I found that the more stressful part came once we received the gifts and I had to find a place to store everything!

  2. That's funny everyone told you registering was annoying. Matt and I had a blast registering, he especially liked "shooting" things with his "gun".
