Monday, July 16, 2007

Wedding Post 1: The day before

After quickly deciding that I could make the lavender hydrangeas work with my all blue theme, I moved on and the rest of the wedding went off without a single hitch.

The day before we had an awesome bbq for family at my apartment building. It didn't really make sense to call it the "rehearsal dinner" because there was nothing for us to rehearse. Instead we decided to call it our "wedding eve" party.

Despite the fact that the caterer called 10 minutes prior to the party and asked if we were going to get plates, or if he was supposed to (UGH), everything was awesome.

We found the caterer for wedding eve by complete happenstance. We were driving through a strip mall by our new apartment and saw a big smoker with a huge poster advertising "FREE BBQ". Now, I am not one to pass up anything free and bbq makes the ear doctor's heart swell with genuine love, so we pulled over. Turns out the free portion of the day was over, but we were referred to a store called Wally's Quality Meats. Inside the ear doctor found his personal Mecca. A real, honest to goodness butcher/meat shop. They had every cut of top quality meat you could ever want...along with about 50 different kinds of sausage. Wally, the owner of the shop, told us that Big Al was the bbq man and he gave us a number to call.

Lucky for us, Big Al makes the most amazing bbq you can find in the great state of Colorado. We met with him and got a sample of his food. During the sample he entertained us with a mini bbq lecture. The ear doctor was enthralled. He informed us that bbq is different all over the US. Each state in the south has developed its own feel and take on what "real" bbq is. He told us that his style was a blend of Texas and N. Carolina bbq. All I know is that I've never had better brisket.

At the party I wore a new yellow sundress and felt very cute and summery. Unfortunately for us, they air conditioner in the building broke that afternoon and it was sweltering in the room. As soon as the sun went down it cooled down enough to be comfortable. After the wedding I contacted the people who charged us $50 to rent the building. You better believe I got every red cent back from them.

The party was so much fun and SUCH a good idea to get both families together to hang out before the big day. We had everyone go around the room and introduce themselves. It was really important to me that everyone there felt included and really felt like we appreciated them coming.

The ear doctor's parents got us bride and groom mickey mouse ears to wear that were pretty awesome...see:


  1. Welcome back! And congratulations again!

  2. Dito! Can't wait to see more pics!
