Friday, August 10, 2007

Cool or Tacky?

I saw these on Etsy and thought they were really cool.

The second one would be really perfect for the colors in our front room!From what I gather, the artists paints, collages and woodburns onto/into a piece of .5" wood. My question is this:

Would it be dorky if I had a "C" one hanging on my wall?

(our last name starts with a C)


  1. I vote "yes" on the dorkiness. :) Instead get a letter than means something to you but isn't so obvious.

  2. That's a great idea....

  3. What other letter would you chose? Although I did veto a big W on our furniture in the past so I get where you're coming from.

  4. I guess I am dorky because I like A & M because they are my initials & my grandmas. I inherited all her sweet old jewelry which included lots of initals! I like the paintings ... sorry Jordo.

  5. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Very! cool.

  6. I vote non-dorky. (or at least not too dorky)

    It's a much better alternative to a lot of the standard family name signs or pictures that people would put up.

    I say if the ear doctor likes it to go ahead and get one.
