Friday, September 07, 2007

New job

I've recently moved jobs. Now I work with different people, which is both great, and a little sad. Here is a list of things about my new job.

  1. On Wednesday, my first day here, someone's baby was crying for 4 hours straight. I thought that was kind of different.
  2. The floor of our building is like a trampoline. Whenever anyone walks by my cube the whole thing shakes so much I think we're having a 4.5 Richter scale earthquake. I've even developed a really fast way to "batten down the hatches" so that my precious plastic framed awards don't fall off the gray padded walls.
  3. My new extension is x7749, which is really cool because 7 x 7 = 49. (How about that, Kath?)

I think this place needs a plant or two.....


  1. That is my dream extension!!!

  2. Are you still at the same company?

  3. Anonymous8:55 AM

    What? A new Job? I didn't know.

  4. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Is there something you MAY want to tell us?

  5. It's still with the same company. It's just a different project because I finished the old one up. This kind of stuff happens all the time here. No biggie.
