Thursday, October 25, 2007

Last night

(after we'd said our prayers, talking about our days, tucked ourselves in and are just about to fall asleep)

ED: Goodnight babe. I love you. I'll see you in the morning.

Me: I love you too. (a few moments of silence). Babe, I almost prayed for the Rockies. They probably feel so bad right now.

ED: (stifles laughter directed toward his strange wife who, BTW, hates baseball).

End Scene

PS: ear doctor is home sick today in bed. He looked so tired and awful this morning that I made him call in to work and tell them he wasn't coming. I feel even worse for him than I do for the Rockies.


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I feel REALLY bad for the Rockies. And I don't even like baseball really...only the hotdogs.


  2. To loose the first game in the series so SO badly would be pretty depressing.

  3. just think, the rockies have tons of room for improvement now. no where to go but up (except well, down another game).

  4. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Ok, I laughed out loud that you were so concerned for the Rockies, my little baseball fan. Hope ED feels better soon.

  5. Anonymous8:40 AM

    i feel bad for the rockies too. i really wanted them to win.
