Friday, January 18, 2008

And so it starts

An embarrassingly large portion of my sophomore year of college was spent with my two awesome roommates, huddled around the computer screen taking online quizzes. We thought they were hilarious and laughed until our sides hurt about them.

............Ahh, to have those carefree days before our classes got really challenging and I did stuff to make one of those relationships fall apart..............

Anyway, those fond memories have instilled in me a love of the online quiz. Quick, fun, easy and often delve so deeply into the center of my psyche. I mean, seriously, how else would I know what kind of car I am, or which pair of shoes most fully embodies my spirit?

Which is one reason I found this quiz cool.

The other reason is that it helps me attempt to get over this whole uninformed thing.

Take the quiz. Were you surprised by your results? I was.


  1. Well, color me surprised! (And I've even done some homework on some of the candidates' voting records.) Very interesting, although I think I'd better find out what kind of shoes I would be. Very important.

  2. p.s. Here's a site worth checking out. It doesn't have information for all the current candidates, but it seems pretty unbiased and clear-cut in what data is there. (While it's all good fun, I don't think I'll base my research on the quiz--there were several questions where I didn't like any of the answers.)

  3. What were your results?

  4. Not too surprised here.

  5. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Hee! I had a weird obsession with those presidential quizzes a few weeks ago (I think I ended up taking _5_)!

    In any case, no surprise here.
    ...but I have yet to find a quiz with the question "do you care if your candidate is crazy and/or unelectable?" because I DO, which is why I'm SO not voting for the person they claim I should. ;)

  6. Not a quiz necessarily, but my friend's husband and I are obsessed with It is so fun to challenge someone and see who can type, I just like knowing how fast I can type! Ha ha.
