Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Yesterday I spent 3 hours making dinner for some people who were going to come over to our house and eat with us. They were friends of ours who grew up in Mexico and I thought they might be a little homesick. I decided to make flautas, red rice, guacamole and green salsa.


I really wanted the food to be outstanding, and I thought it was.

The really crappy thing was that when one person took a big first bite they shrugged their shoulders and said, "it's good, but you can tell it was made in the US. Not authentic."

I was crushed, but played it off convincingly.

After dinner the ear doctor informed me that she was full of it, and the food tasted exactly how he remembered it tasting when he lived in Mexico City for 2 years.


  1. Well, that was kinda rude of her. I think, sometimes, when you have your head set on something you can influence your taste buds--she expected it to not taste authentic.

  2. Not that these people aren't nice, but my question is, why do people say things like that? I mean, I have been at dinners where the food has been next to inedible. The point is someone took the time to make a meal and was gracious enough to share it with me.

  3. Hmmm, I wonder what your guest did with all that money....the money their mom had intended for etiquette lessons! How sad that someone would be so uncouth, but props to you for being kind in the face of their oversight. I would have made the "accidental" faux pas of covertly spitting in their dessert. You are a more forgiving hostess than I. ; )

  4. Anonymous10:25 AM


    WHAT?!?!?! Who says something like that?? I'm so sorry, especially after all your hard work! You seem like SUCH a wonderful hostess and it would be an honor to have you prepare a meal like that! I am proud of you for being a "grownup" about it and not throwing it in their face, which I'm sure would be verrrrrry tempting!

  5. Wow. just wow.

    the only way I could dismiss it is if there was already a conversation underway about how American/Mexican food is miles away from being authentic or even similar to Mexican food. Yo quiero Taco Bell?

    I would have said, "Well, that makes sense since I made it right here in this American Kitchen!"

    But then, I don't know when to keep my mouth shut.

  6. I agree with Chloe, it boggles the mind that people can be either so oblivious, indelicate or rude.

    The Ear Doctor is right, too, she is probably full of it.

    By the way, I would love it if you posted your recipes. The rest of us can try it and let you know how "authentic" it is!! ;)

    Next time, you know you'll have have the ED pick up some Taco Bell on the way home and call it good.

  7. Hi, rude! Sheesh!

    I'm sure it was great.

  8. I think I probably would have stabbed her with my spoon...

  9. Anonymous2:12 PM

    that is so rude! i would have really had to hold myself back from saying something. you seem like such a great hostess, and i bet your food was fabulous, just like the ear doctor said.

  10. Rude. That's all I have to say.

    That and you can come cook for me anytime you want! And I will not say "Inauthentic." I will say, "Katie this is so freaking good, you rock!"

  11. Ditto to EXACTLY what gff said! Seriously...who says that????????

  12. I bet the food was DELISH! ;)
