Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Our next door neighbors are gross.

Last week they left a bag of soiled kitty litter on their front step (which is about 3 feet from our front step).

This week there is some smeared, raw, leftover sushi all over the place. I looks like some wild animal was drawn up the three flights of stairs and they've torn into it. It's just gross.

This morning I noticed that instead of cleaning up the sickening mess, they've just tossed the free phone book on top of it, a la Adam Sandler's newspaper solution in Big Daddy.


UPDATE I came home from work and this is what I saw:


  1. Gaaah. These neighbors of yours--you need to fire them. Or take away their birthdays. Or something! I empathize over the grossness of the situation.

  2. Sorry chica. That stinks. Literally.

  3. Anonymous8:36 AM

    ick. that's gross. i'm sorry :(

  4. I think they are retaliating for the early morning Guitar Hero...

  5. Everytime I experience something like this I want to call their mothers and ask, "Did you really raise your child like this?!"

  6. Ugh!

    How far is it from your front steps to the trash dumpster? Methinks they just want to get the foul smelling things out of their house and they are too lazy to take it all the way to the trash!!

    I have neighbors that do that too... all it does is make the communal hallway stink to high heaven! There has to be a time limit on that practice though... like 2 hours.

  7. I know exactly what you mean. I havent had much love for my neighbors lately myself. The neighbor I share a floor (and therefore front and back porches) with leaves his disgusting bottle of cigarette butts floating in liquid, lighters and dog hair all over the porch and many of the other people who live in my complex seem to think if their assigned parking place is on the back side of the building, its perfectly ok to take up all the visitor parking up front because they are too lazy to drive around the block. First of all, there are front and rear entrances to each condo. Whats the difference? It doesnt even require walking...the parking spaces are equidistant regardless of their front/back location. People just amaze me with their inconsideration and I havent meant to leave such a long comment, I just feel for you. I made some funny interactive post-it notes about it on my blog.

  8. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Garrett needs to put some hurt on them. Half Nelson until their chicken wings snap.
