Tuesday, February 05, 2008

If I'd known

If last year when I moved, got a new name and re-registered to vote I had known what an interesting presidential race this was going to be I probably wouldn't have registered as Independent.

Now I'm left out in the cold tonight hoping that others, who plan ahead more than I do, get out there and do what they think is best.

Have a great Super Tuesday.


  1. Katie, go vote! You can write in the candidate of your choice!

  2. Not here, you're only invited to the caucus if you've registered with either the Dems or Reps.

    At least I'm pretty sure that's how it works in CO....

  3. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I would check into that one! Here (CA) if you are Independent, you just have to say which party you wish to vote for, Dem. or Rep.
    Everyone should have that right to vote no matter what party you are.

  4. Colorado caucuses are open only to those registered with a party. Independants don't count.

    I believe this is true in many states. That's what I learned in High School even if that was a long time ago.

  5. Anonymous7:02 AM

    that's how it was in maryland too. here in tennessee and georgia you can vote for either party,even if you're registered for one. that sucks that you couldn't vote!
