Friday, February 15, 2008

Pictures of our day

Despite feeling horibble, we still had a pretty awesome Valentines day. We spent the day watching old movies (thankyou TCM for your Oscars marathon), falling asleep and finished it with delivery Chinese food. Yummm.

As we were cracking our fortune cookies I apologized for not having the most romantic of holidays for our first married Valentines. He paused, looked at me and said, "actaully, it was pretty romantic. We both took care of each other and this will make a great story for the rest of our lives"

He's pretty great.

Now, onto the loot. Look at all the great tokens of love he gave me yesterday:

He hid these vintage space-themed valentines cards all over the house. I don't think there are more perfect valentines on the face of this earth for me. As you can see I've found 9 of more is hiding somewhere in the house.

Here is what I got for him.

(the card in the middle is a subscription to Paste magazine, which he will LOVE)

1 comment:

  1. I love TCM! ;) Again, I just love you two guys are too cute. This will definetely be a cute story to tell your kids ;)
