Monday, February 11, 2008

Why my mom is tricksy

Usually when someone comes to visit me I put together a wonderful schedule of events that we can do. I like to have interesting things to do so I can show off how awesome it is to live near the Mile High city. In preparation for my mom's visit I made a list of really great things to do: visit the botanic garden and learn about Chinese sculpture or download a walking tour of Denver and go for a wonderful outdoor urban adventure.

However, this weekend when my mom came to visit I decided that I'd just show her a nice relaxing time. I wanted her to see what the ear doctor and I do on any given Saturday.

The main event of the weekend? The ear doctor and I took her to our favorite puppy store. We do this every weekend. It is our way of getting our puppy fix without having to scoop any poops. (yuck)

Being a dog lover and away from her beloved Quinnie, I think she really liked it.

While we were there we discovered a new breed that seems ideal for our lifestyle: an adorable Basenji.

I really want a dog, but I'm just not ready to get up and go for sub-zero snowy morning walks. Is it so crazy to wait until we have the beautiful, warm early mornings that I know are coming soon to Colorado? Is it?

As usual, the ear doctor picked up a puppy and gave me the pleading eyes. Nerves steeled against his almost-irresistable good looks, I stuck to my guns.

Thinking I would get support from my ever-practical mother, I turned to her for assistance. Shocked, I realized I was staring directly into the exact same gleam, transported into her eyes. She was pleading with me to bring a puppy home with us! Where did my mother go and who replaced her with this 10 year old, giddy little girl?!? Then she casually said, "I'll throw in $100."

She is a tricky, tricky woman who knows me so well. I have a REALLY hard time passing up a deal. I had to dig deep in my soul and muster up the poop-scooping memories of my youth in order to leave without a furry pal of my own this weekend. But I can feel my resolve weakening.....


  1. Your mom sounds awesome!

  2. You turned down the offer?! You're nuts!

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    From personal experience, it's much easier to traina puppy when the weather is better!

  4. hehehee A puppy. Yikes! In the snow bleh. You were strong! Way to go girl. BTW, Basenji's have been around a long time, they are one of my favorites because they don't bark. :-)

    Good luck staying strong though.;-)

  5. How cute would you and the ear doctor be with a PUPPY!!!

  6. Anonymous2:57 PM

