Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The search is over

For a while I've been looking for the perfect fabric to recover the pair of oversized pillows on our couch...well, really it's a broken 15 year old mission style fouton, but that's beside the point.

Finally, I've found the fabric of my dreams, the textile of mi corazon, the woven glory of my life.


I think this is just really great.

Although at $44 a yard I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to pass on it.

Dave Ramsey, you better be right....or else!

(via Design Sponge)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Oh... that's a bummer.
    so the search isn't exactly over eh?

    Man... when I saw that print I was about to ask where to find it. I have to agree $44 a yard is pretty steep.

