Thursday, March 06, 2008

Thriller anyone?

I don't know about other colleges, but the campaign race for BYU student body president was a big deal. At least it was when I was there. I never really understood the function of having a class president for a student body of 30,000 people at a school where the control over the way the college operated was held under a fairly firm grip, but whatever.

Personally, I thought people just wanted it on their law school applications.

To tell you the truth, there is only one campaign that I really clearly remember from my 4 years at the Y. I don't remember the candidates. I don't remember their "platform". I don't remember who I voted for. What I do remember is their strategy.

At the top of the hour, every hour some flunkie would be standing around with an ghetto blaster from 1987 playing Michael Jackson and handing out jolly ranchers.

Talk about pure genius.

For an entire month I was moonwalking to class with the sweetness of a watermelon jolly rancher in my mouth. Come to think of it, I probably voted for that guy and I think he might have even won.

So my question is this: Is it a coincident that the re-release of Michael's best work falls right in the middle of this tumultuous time in politics? And why hasn't one of the candidates adopted this wildly successful tactic?

I mean, really, who cares about foreign policy when you can pop some watermelon goodness in your mouth, hold hands and sing "heal the world?"

Or there's this great idea too.

1 comment:

  1. Any campaign that involves feeding me is going to get my vote! Bonus points if it's something new or creative.
