Thursday, March 06, 2008

Well, OK

I haven't been tagged in a long time, and my ole roommie asked, and since I thought I lost her forever, but didn't because she ran into another old friend at a playground, I figured I better honor our newly rekindled friendship and submit to her request.

Wow. Onto the goods:

10 years ago: Hmmm, my bff Brooke and I were probably sitting in a stadium over in Seattle watching our high school's State basketball game, alternating between being really bored, laughing at our friend John's socks and making funny catty comments about the other girls in our class. Hey, we were 16....what did you expect? Writing the great American Novel?

5things to do on my list: Call a company about Fluorosilicone gaskets, watch the Project Runway finale, talk to my friend about writing a book, pack for my trip to California tomorrow, eat some yummy smoked pork chops cooked by the ear doctor (YUM)

5 snacks I enjoy: Girl Scout cookies, ritz crackers with peanut butter, hot tamales, chips and guac, pretzels

3 bad habits: Watching trash TV (America's Next Top Model, Janice Dickenson Modeling agency), leaving my shoes all over the house, not washing down the bubbles in the sink after I brush my teeth.

Places I've lived: Salt Lake City, UT Puyallup, WA Spokane, WA Provo, UT Logan, UT Boulder, CO

What I would do if I suddenly became a Billionare: (in this order) pay off student loans, get 6 months expenses in savings, restock my wardrobe, buy a house, get a puppy, buy a new couch, get the ear doctor a huge flat screen TV so we can play our Wii better, take our whole family on an expensive exclusive cruise to some fabulous place, fly out to see my friends all over the country, start my own bakery.

Jobs I've had: (in this order) babysitter, golf course ranger, retail at Nordstrom, computer lab TA, REU intern at Space Dynamic Lab, TA at CU, engineer.

5 things you don't know about me: I love Kraft mac & cheese. I bang my head on the glass whenever I go to aquariums. I eat peanut butter straight out of the jar. I'm a little scared of being in a dark bathroom alone. I don't own a working hair dryer.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    You lived in SLC until you were four

  2. Yay! You did it! You DO love me still, don't you? *sigh* ;)Spokane! Holla!

  3. So... This will sound strange, and awkward, I know... But I was 'Google Imaging' pictures of Sara Bareilles, and came across your blog, and as I was scrolling down your page, the words "Puyallup, WA" jumped out and nearly hit me across the face.

    I live there! [: How long did you live in Puyallup? And I must ask... The valley or the hill?


