Tuesday, April 08, 2008


My head must be mis-shapen.

I've tried just about every type of head-band, -scarf, -elastic, and/or -ribbon, but nothing will give me the look so recently featured in the Anthropologie catalog.

I yearn for this hair style, but have come to the conclusion that it just isn't for me. Everything I've worn slips and slides around all day, driving me to the brink of insanity.

I hate having to admit defeat, but I feel I have no other option.


  1. I can't do it either! Boo.
    There must be some trick - like hidden velcro - or it's stapled to her head or something.

  2. I feel your pain! It is such an adorable look but I am unable to recreate anything remotely cute. It's quite frustrating.

  3. Try putting the headband on when your hair is still a little wet and give it some hairspray. I wore one just like this yesterday and it stayed in place like a rock.

  4. The same thing happens to me! But! (I don't know what is with me and the exclamation points...) It's not the slipping and sliding that drives me crazy, it's the fact that I want my hair to still look fairly poofy and not slicked to my head and that just does not happen with me. There has to be a solution to our problems. I'm sure of it...

  5. Gaaah--I love the look, but it feels like my head is in a vise when I try it. I feel your slippy-slidey issue, too.

  6. NOTHING stays in my hair! I just don't bother anymore.

  7. Kate! I was glad to see that you have a blog and that I could be of assistance to you. I use to wear them all the time (although I could never master 2 headbands at once) when my hair was long ( I am currently sporting the Victoria Beckham hair style). So my trick is that if you back comb your hair just in back of where you want the head band and then slide the head band into place it will stay. A little hairspray helps too. Oh and make sure to smooth out where you back combed because you don't want it to look like a rats nest.

  8. I have some thin headbands like those in the picture - I think mine are Scuncis, from Claires - they have the no-slip grip on the underside and came in a pack of 5 or 6. It takes major patience to get them on to my satisfaction, but once they are on, they are super cute and really do stay in place. Though I seem to get a slight headache by the end of the day - my head must be too big. Ha ha

  9. I am a slave to my hair... headbands of any kind give me a headache.But I love that look. I cut my bangs yesterday after trying to grow them out for 9 days...

  10. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Have you checked out Heather Bailey's "trash ties"? They look just like the things in the Anthropologie model's hair. I'm considering buying some. I'd get the long ones, because I like the headband look, but they make my head hurt!
