Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Great ideas

So, I've mentioned about a million times that I'm in charge of organizing and leading activities twice a month for the little girls in my church congregation, ages 8-12.

This responsibility has be SO much fun and I just love being a part of the program.

Now that the warmer months are upon us I'm getting really excited to plan fun, educational and uplifting activities outside. So far this is what I've got:

-Movie day. My apartment complex has a small 20 seat big screen projection theater in the club house. I'm going to make breakfast and we're going to watch Enchanted on the big screen. Not sure if I want to have it be a pajama breakfast yet or not.

-Campfire saftey. I live really close to a lake that has fire pits on the shore. I'm going to invite them over to a bon fire to learn about saftey and make smores. Maybe I'll even bust out my guitar? Maybe we could make a dutch oven cobbler together?

-Pool party. Not really sure if this one will fly, but I would love to have all the families of the girls in my group over to play at my apartment complex pool and have burgers. I have to run this one by the higher-ups to make sure it is safe enough.

-Trip to Berry Patch Farms to pick strawberries and learn about organic farming. I saw this on Design Mom this morning and thought it was such a great idea! I remember going berry picking with my day care when I was little and I loved it. Plus, they'll all get to bring home some berries and I might be able to get a flat to make some delicious jam!

Any other great activities that a 8-12 year old girl would love? I would love to do some kind of art related activity.

1 comment:

  1. What about a water-color painting adventure? Little water-color sets aren't too costly, along with some paper or cardstock. Go to a park and everyone can paint. They can paint something they see, something inspired by what's around them, or go abstract. But they get some fresh air and some creative time.
