Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I like em....so what

As I've mentioned a thousand times before, I make a weekly dinner menu for our house. It's always on a torn piece of notebook paper and magneted to the front of our freezer.

Lately I've fallen into a really comfortable method for planning these menus. Sunday I make some fancy dinner because I usually have more time and energy. One night we have a big entree salad, these are quickly becoming a favorite in our house. One night is a free for all. One night we have leftovers, one night we go out, one night the ear doctor fires up his grill/smoker.

The last night is casserole night.

I always feel kind of bad/lazy to have casserole night. Some part of me thinks that if I'm not pushing my cooking skills I'm wimping out. Some part of my mind feels lame for having this night.


after tasting the results of casserole night, I never feel too bad. Last night's cheesy nacho casserole topped with a big scoop of sour cream was NOT the healthiest thing we've eaten all week, but there is just something so comforting and familiar about scooping a big mixture of delicious food from a corningware dish.

Doncha think?


  1. My mom never made casseroles so now as an adult, I love them!

  2. I agree with the comfort factor of casseroles.
    I have to chuckle at my grandfather-in-law's take on them, though: "Don't have much use for 'em. Too much room for skullduggery." I think that old meat & potatoes man is afraid somebody might slip him some veggies in disguise.

  3. Agreed. I love making a menu plan too, although sometimes I feel cooker's block. I only plan M-Th though, since our weekends don't always allow time for cooking.

  4. This is true. Something about casseroles....sounds like a good recipe!

  5. I totally agree! Casseroles are yummy comfort foods that leave me satisfied and sleeping well!

  6. I only have one casserole recipe... tater tot casserole.

    Heck... don't knock yourself for casserole night... I eat sandwiches or microwave meals almost every day. Sometimes I surpise myself by cooking some squash and zucchinni or steaming some broccoli! If I'm real adventurous I'll make rice and toss some broccoli in!
    But I live alone and it seems like too much work to mess up my kitchen just for me!

  7. I also live alone, and while I love to cook, I dont cook that often for myself.

    Now that its spring, my taste runs more to the giant salads topped with goodness...grilled fish, grilled veggies, fruit, nuts, whatever :)

    But in the winter, I love a big pot of homemade soup or a casserole that I can make on Sunday and just scoop out all week as needed!

  8. Hey, a casserole is a meal to me. It would definately get old EVERY night, but there are tons of yummy variations to try! And they're usually good leftovers for lunches or whatever. As far as pushing your cooking skills, if you push it every night, you get tired and it loses some of the fun. At least for me... No wonder you eat so cheaply, though. Maybe I need to modify our menu...

  9. I LOVE casseroles, and I'm not embarrassed to admit it! :)
