Monday, April 21, 2008


It's not that there isn't anything to write about.

Believe me, I'm dying to tell you about the passing of fou-tee, my romantic moment at Chili's, the arrival of lil mol-ay and my secret recipe for Polynesian punch.

It's just that the ear doctor and I have both fallen pray to a lower GI bug that has us living somewhere between the bed and the bathroom. 

Do you think you can get Montezuma's revenge from planning a Mexican themed party?


  1. Ick. No fun at all--get better soon!

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Did you know that Montezumah's revenge originally referred to syphillis?

  3. And her I was thinking, "Who's Mia?"

  4. Anon,

    No, I sure didn't know that. Ick. I hope no one thinks I meant that...

  5. :( yuck! Feel better soon!

  6. That really stinks! I hope you guys feel better, soon. Kendra has a cold right now that is keeping her down. She also started a baby blog if you are interested. You can get there through my profile.
