Monday, April 14, 2008

The search is over

Saturday morning we almost, ALMOST, made an addition to our family.

However, I totally chickened out and decided that we just aren't quite ready to have a little bundle of joy of our own.

After we had to leave our little guy at the store, I was pretty dejected and annoyed by my personal inability to commit to big purchases. So, we bought this:

5 times as expensive, equally long lasting, but (hopefully) a lot less work.

It's being delivered next Saturday and I hope we can get it in our house....


  1. Ask your Dad about Uncle Ken and Aunt Sue's boston terrier he meant this weekend...he's crazy!!

  2. Adding a little one to the family is a big commitment. You are right to wait until you are ready. Ha ha

    Very nice sofa, btw!

  3. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Leather sofas and puppies are NOT a good combimation. When you do commit to a puppy, I suggest Bitter Apple as a way to discourage teething on your lovely sofa. Also, crate training since you are both away from the house much of the day. Some think this is cruel but it works and will save your sanity and your affection for the puppy. Not suggested for children.........

  4. I'm not sure we'll ever be ready for a dog. I am very much an animal person, but dogs are SO much work. It's like having a toddler for fifteen or twenty years straight. I find comfort in knowing that once my daughter is 3 or so she'll be able to take care of her bathroom issues on her own...with a dog, you're responsible their entire lives. We most definitely won't be getting a pet until our kids are old enough to help take care of it.

  5. Oh totally cool! I love it! And just think you won't have to get it spayed or its teeth cleaned anytime soon!

  6. love the sofa...adore that terrier.

  7. Congratulations!!!

    I too would pick the couch over the puppy. - plus... enjoy the couch for a while?!

    If your gut is telling you you are not ready for a dog - listen. You'll know when the time is right.

    Couch 5 times more expensive? not over it's lifetime - by comparision!! I've never heard of a sofa needing hip surgery or cutting a tendon in the backyard.
    Never mind surgeries... you don't have to feed a couch!

    Wise decision.

  8. Ha ha! You got a couch instead of a dog...I love it, Katie.
