Wednesday, April 02, 2008

What a difference

Wow, I really am quite a lucky girl. Since I started writing about my favorite possessions I've started looking at my home with a completely different eye. It's been really rewarding to shift from seeing what is lacking to focusing on what I love.

Today I'm highlighting 3 little lovelies.

The first and most prominent in the picture is my cake safe. My mother in law got it for me as a gift for my bridal shower. In addition to this AWESOME stand she gave me her secret recipe for carrot cake which is AMAZING. Seriously, it's the best I've ever had. I love the straight sides and flat, round knob on top. It reminds me of something you'd find in a 50's diner and is so tall that I can easily get a 4 layer cake under the dome.

The second is my Easter lily from the ear doctor. My mom always got an Easter lily for the holiday growing up. I mentioned this to the ear doctor and the next day he came home with this beauty in his arms. She smells so sweet and fills our entire little apartment with her cheerful scent.

The third is the Orangina poster. The ear doctor and I love this drink and we would get it frequently while we were dating. After we got married we wanted to put something up on this wall, and the ear doctor suggested this piece of pop art. I was really nervous because it is really bright and was so different from everything else we have. Well, I trusted him, hung it up and I love it.

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