Wednesday, April 09, 2008

When I see beautiful pictures of kitchens I dream of having a simple, beautiful, everything-in-its-place space in which to do my cooking. Pictures like this really inspire me:

(via here)

(via here)


Have you ever noticed that these kitchens always have bare fridge fronts? Or, even more drastic, faux fridge fronts that look like cabinet doors?

I'm afraid to say that my fridge door will never be pristine. I have this serious need to magnet things I'm proud of to the front of the fridge for all the world to see. This is what my freezer door currently looks like:

1. weekly menu
2. the ear doctor's last glowing review from work
3. my notice of promotion from work
4. awesome bumper sticker
5. blackjack pizza magnet
6. church stuff
7. my latest acquired piece of art
8. local roller derby schedule....I am determined to go to one of their games this summer!

What does your fridge look like?


  1. we just cleaned our off during the great spring cleaning of '08 so ours look like the pictures. too bad the rest of our kitchen doesn't!

  2. Mine is an organized mess, ha. Pictures of close friends and family, menus, shopping list, produce storage guide, measurement conversions, and lots of magnets. Maybe I'll do a little post of my own.

    P.S. One of the secrets of their clean fridges is that stainless steel is non-magnetic. :)

  3. Magnetic poetry. Lots and lots of magnetic poetry, along with a few other magnets.

    I also have a French memo board on the wall next to the fridge that I keep all my ticket stubs from games and concerts, gift cards I need to use, appointment reminder cards and other silly stuff like fortunes from fortune cookies on.

    My mom thinks its junky, but whatever :) The rest of my place is sort of sterile, I like my kitchen to be warm and happy.

  4. Hey Katie - off topic here - but you're so clever with coming up in invites and such...

    care to brainstorm with me on something?

  5. Lol Our fridge is always covered in that kind of stuff too. I could never have a bare fridge.

  6. Hi- I just found your blog via emilystyle... I love that first kitchen you pictured.

    My fridge is bare... not a thing on it. It is a stainless steel front, and not magnetic. I am so glad there is nothing on it! It automatically helps my kitchen look so much neater!

  7. Once again, LOVE your taste in everything Katie! I would SLEEP in that kitchen in the first picture..
