Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Why can't I write like this? I love to read stuff like this, so why doesn't in translate? Am I just too lazy? Inexperienced? Untalented?

I mean, if I were to write something about Top Chef, a show which ranks in my top 3 with The Office and House, it would come out like this:

I love top chef this season. I really liked the lesbian couple and I'm totally bummed they didn't stay on the show longer because they were very entertaining to watch and seem more talented than some of the people left to stay behind.

For example, and those too busy to click the above link, I found this sentence to be extremely well written and excruciatingly applicable to my own life and drive:

Primped with self-confidence, many of the young chefs learn that their skill has left them in the lurch and that their nonchalance with the most basic of tasks is their undoing.

How many times have I walked into a situation in my life, primed with confidence only to realize a small detail has proved to be my personal Goliath? The presentation I spent hours creating and forgot to make enough copies for everyone attending the meeting? The culinary concoction I and thrilled to bring to a party and realize there is no serving spoon to be found? In school, the 20 page report I stayed up for weeks on end only to turn in unstapled because I was sure there would be a stapler on campus? A great post I spend a lot of time thinking about and putting together only to be riddled with spelling mistakes because I never learned to spell?

Why can't I ever seem to get everything pulled together?


  1. While there is no denying that the other author is indeed a good writer, I must say that I like the recap you wrote better. Your recap feels real and honest, like something a "regular" person would say, whereas the other one seems like the author is trying a bit hard, or hoping to be published. Dont' be too hard on yourself because the only thing that matters is keeping people's interest, and obviously you do that. :)

  2. Are you kidding?

    Katie, through the majority of my career, I have been paid to write -but when I visit your blog I think (why can't I write like Katie?)

    You have a great ability to write conversationally while building blocks of a story - sometimes suspense - a little mystery - a surprise. I love the way you reveal information in your little stories. You're really good at it. It's that ability that I envy in you!

    The example you shared is, in my mind, a little contrived. It's written by a writer. Conversational writing is more fun!

    That's why my friends like my emails more than my bosses liked my writing. Ugh... my producers would re-write everything - and I rarely saw a great improvement over my original composition. grr.
    Apparantly they did.

  3. I so feel like that all the time. I want to write like that... all these blogs and I feel like mine is always ramblings of crap. Except for those few...
