Thursday, May 01, 2008

Meet Walter

Every Thursday the ear doctor works with one of the coolest speech pathologists in the world. They focus on helping kids with cochlear implants be able to speak clearly, which can be a tough thing to do. All year he's had a great little patient who just seems like a little cute angel from the stories I've heard.

Today is his last Thursday working at the clinic where he has done his year long residency, which means he has to say farewell to this cute little girl to whom he has grown really attached.

All year he has convinced her that we have a pet prairie dog named Walter who lives on the balcony of our apartment. Every appointment she asks about our little pet and he tells her stories about him.

This afternoon I'm going down to his clinic to meet her and go to dinner. I'm bringing her a photo of the two of us with Walter. Which one do you think looks better?


  1. The first one! But cut off the tail first. You totally had me for a minute :)

  2. How old is the little girl? I bet she'd believe both of them if she is young. She'll probably like the first best though.

  3. I'd say that a little kid would find either believable, but I'd choose the first one.

  4. I like the close-up-ness (I promise, that's a word!) of #1 but the tail in front of your leg looks fake. So I vote #2 for most realistic, but if you can do something about #1's tail, then that's the most 'fun' of the two.

  5. 2 is realistic, but 1 is precious!

  6. I think 2 looks more realistic. Hiilarious.

  7. You totally had me for a second... I was like, wait, they actually GOT a prairie dog??? I know they've been talking about getting a pet... but...

    And then I figured it out. Doh.


    I like the first one.

  8. You are hilarious!


    P.s. love the new couch!

  9. That was you I saw walking toward the hospital! :)

  10. ha ha... i believed it, too! okay, i would agree with everyone that said to cut off the tail in #1.

  11. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I love you

  12. I like the second one.

  13. I seriously was wondering where you got a prairie dog to pose with. That's so funny.
