Friday, May 30, 2008

Top 100 club: Chicken Saltimboca

The recipe pick of the week comes from my sister, who is really really cool. They're on a budget so she tends to stick with inexpensive looking dishes. For this week she's picked the Chicken Saltimboca. I'll be making it with the carrot orzo since I LOVE the stuff! I'd like to dedicate this side dish to by BFF for introducing me to the wonderful world of orzo.

Reminder: If you want to join the club feel free! This link has a list of all the different recipes we're going to try. Friday afternoons I post the recipe for the following week and I review them on Thursdays.


  1. Thanks for the shout out! I made those a while back and they are both great! That orzo recipie is the bomb diggity. But really, you can't go wrong with orzo :)

  2. Serendipity! I am going to make Chicken Saltimboca this weekend. I hadn't even started looking for a recipe yet. That looks so tasty! I can't wait to make it.

  3. Oh, YEAH. One of my favorite little tasties, that chicken dish. And I'm intrigued by the orzo...this will be my initiation into that particular pasta! Thanks for the dinner inspiration.

  4. Oh, YEAH. One of my favorite little tasties, that chicken dish. And I'm intrigued by the orzo...this will be my initiation into that particular pasta! Thanks for the dinner inspiration.

  5. mmm, why am I reading this on fast Sunday?
