Thursday, May 29, 2008

Top 100 Club

Well, I don't know about you guys, but I really liked this week's choice. The Texas Cesar Salad was a big hit for us.

The recipe called for store bought croutons, but I sort of HATE store bought. In my opinion, a crouton shouldn't be so hard that you worry about cracking a tooth when you bite it. Also, it shouldn't brake apart into a million microscopic pieces when you spear it with your fork. Making croutons is about the easiest thing to do in the world, so that's what I did first off:

The ear doctor was fully aware that this night's cooking spectacular would be a photo filled experience. He is always SO thrilled when I whip out the camera.

I got out all my ingredients. We didn't put the anchovies in because I didn't want to buy a whole can/jar and then have nothing else to cook them in. It was OK without them, but I'm sure it would have been spectacular with those little fishies.

While we cooked we stimulated our appetites by snacking on Flat Earth veggie crisps. I'm not sure, but I think the ear doctor liked them.

We chopped the veggies

Whirred the dressing until smooth

(not smooth yet)

And tossed the salad

All in all, I think this was a pretty successful dinner. What did you think?

Reminder: If you want to join the club or make a suggestion for next week, feel free! Click this link, pick a recipe, leave a comment. Tomorrow afternoon I'll post the next recipe we'll try.


  1. You're spot on about the problems with croutons. I think next time I'll try making them from scratch like you did.

    P.S. My husband LOVES thos Flat Earth crisps. A bag lasts one day in my house!

  2. I'm totally with you on store bought croûtons. I don't know if they have them where you live, but Cracker Barrel has the best croûtons.

  3. I know you're not a big fan of the boneless skinless chicken breasts, but if you chose that recipe then I'd be able to participate this week.

    Mom said she and Dad loved the salad.

  4. Anonymous8:44 PM

    You love Brown Cow too?

  5. Anonymous4:18 AM

    The Diet Black Cherry Shasta was the crowning glory
