Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Day 3: Animal Kingdom

We were both pretty excited to be at Animal Kingdom because neither of us had ever been to this park before...and we LOVE going to the zoo. The first ride we went on was the awesome safari ride.

We took tons of pictures of animals, but I'll spare you since looking at a picture of a rhino's bum is probably not the first thing you want to see in the morning. The coolest/grossest animal we saw were the vampire bats. The ear doctor even got to hold a baby one from his finger.

Their wings looked like taut rubber and they were about 2 feet long from toes to wing tips.

I continued to annoy the ear doctor by taking pictures of him at ever moment, including while we were waiting in line for a bug's life.

We totally loved the park and decided that we needed to come back for another day later in our trip.

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