Friday, June 20, 2008

Meet our little nugget

Sorry for the no post yesterday, but I was pretty busy with the CUTEST LITTLE GUY IN THE WORLD!

Can you really blame me?

We can't think of a really great name...any suggestions?


  1. Ahhhh--you are puppy mommy to the sweetest little parcel o' fuzz! Congratulations on the new addition.
    A puppy name should be good & snappy when hollered out in the dog park...he looks like he could be a Spanky?

  2. Soooo CUTE!!!! How about Buster Brown?

  3. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I like Buster! Maybe Charles?

  4. Anonymous3:59 PM

    You are right. That IS the cutest dog EVER!

  5. What a stinkin' cute puppy!
    What kind is it? I'm getting ideas now for when we are eventually in the puppy market.
    I am so bad at picking out names... Mr. Fishy, Mr. Froggy, Mr. Ducky are recent names I have come up with for pets/stuffed animals.

  6. YOU GOT A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! He's the cutest!!!! :D

    I'm terrible with names. I'd probably name him Mr. Cute Face or something silly like that.

  7. I think he looks like a Sheldon.

  8. Anonymous4:56 PM

    He is so cute! Here are my suggestions:

    1. Quigley
    2. Tobey
    3. Howie

  9. Anonymous5:24 PM

    :: i am dying right now inside

  10. OooooOOOoooooo! Nigel for certain.

  11. Ohh. Cute. Is he a Boxer?
    Looks like my cousin's dog... they named theirs Lennox - cuz he's a boxer - get it?

    I've always been partial to Deeohgee - pronounce D-O-G.

    Let's see... dogs I've had in my life... Skipper, Rascal, Dieke (pronounced DeeKey) Barney (before the purple menace)... oh and the dog from my grandma's farm... Buffy. Not real original but there you have it.

    Have fun with the new pup! Good luck!

  12. CUTE!!! If we ever get a dog, I want to name him Remington.

  13. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Dan will tell you that the ONLY name for a boxer is Max.

    PS get a crate & use it - it's not mean; it will save your sanity & house. I know - a boxer-sized crate is as big as a bathroom but they work.

  14. Ooh Ooh... I got it: Irving!

  15. Yay!!!!!!!

    Congrats on the new little addition! He is a cutie! I like the name Buster.
    Have fun!

  16. I've been waiting with baited breath for these photos and they were WORTH the wait! He is so adorable and probably a lot of energy right now. You know me and names, I like actual names instead of just attributes, but that's all the input I can give. I can't wait until Charlotte wakes up so I can show her these photos! Well, actually, I maybe I CAN wait, but she's gonna love them!

  17. So cute - is it a boxer?

  18. Dan says, "How bout Leroy."

  19. adorable!!

    (that is just an observation, not a name suggestion!)

  20. I think you should name him Nigel.

  21. Actually that was sarah g that posted, I'm just logged in as colin :)

  22. I'm a big fan of naming dog people names... Mainly because I think it's funny and people give me weird looks. That being said, I suggest LeBron.

  23. Anonymous11:03 AM

    He looks like a Gus to me.
