Wednesday, June 11, 2008

They really do that

On my way to work I take a back road. There are about 5 houses on this road and it has a real country feel. It's great and I love the feeling I get while driving down that street.

This morning I saw something so stereotypical that I laughed out loud to myself in my car. I could see a fire engine pulled up in the dirt driveway in front of one of the little run down houses. At first I was a bit concerned hoping that the reason for their presence wasn't someone's failing health. As I cautiously pulled forward I saw a woman with two firemen standing next to the truck, all three of them looking up into the tree in their front yard. I looked closer and saw that the husband was pointing to a bright orange cat stuck up in the tree.

These people had actually called the fire department to help get their cat out of a tree.

I didn't know that they actaully did that.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    That is awesome and good to know. My kitty likes to climb the huge tree in our front yard and gets stuck sometimes. I've had to get a ladder before and help coax him down cause he couldn't figure out how to get back down.
