Saturday, June 14, 2008

Top 100 club

Well, since no one suggested a recipe for the week, the ear doctor decided he would pick.  This week the recipe is a CLASSIC and I can't wait to try it!  It should be fairly inexpensive and if it turns out like the picture I'll be in heaven! 

Has anyone else noticed that they show a side or sauce with each dish, but then don't provide the recipe? Last week was the rhubarb compote, this week? The fava mushroom sauce.  I really wish this didn't happen. 

Happy cooking!

Reminder: If you want to join the club feel free! This link has a list of all the different recipes we're going to try. Friday afternoons I (usually) post the recipe for the following week and I review them on Thursdays.


  1. This is a good recipe. Roast chickens are a staple of our philly existance.

    The directions for the sauce are in the last paragraph of the recipe.

  2. The directions for the gravy, that is.

    I think that somehow something got pasted to the bottom of the recipe because the asparagus and fava mushroom sauce are just kind of out of the blue.

    It appears to be the tail end of this recipe:

  3. Bonus! Chicken leftovers make great soup. Great choice.

  4. Today I finally got the chance to make last week's pork-rhubarb concoction. All I have to say is this:

    WOW. Definitely a keeper.

    I added a squidge of ground ginger to the compote, and it was divine. Props to you for picking this one!

  5. Ohhh, ginger would have been REALLY great! Good idea!
