Monday, June 09, 2008


How was my weekend? Well, since you asked....

I ate off brand cereal.

If you know me you'll know that this is pretty much like seeing a pig fly outside your office window or witnessing the devil scraping ice off his windshield. It just doesn't happen. They were leftovers from making some rad muddy buddies at my activity day last week and in our family WE DO NOT WASTE.

A new member joined our family....the rug of my dreams. I'm just blown away by how much I love this rug. When we were in pottery barn the ear doctor pointed it out and suggested we give it a try...I was hesitant. I'm so glad I listened to him...he's got a great eye, no?

Note the Ensign...very righteous (wink).

Last, but certainly not least, we really got our garden hoppin. From left to right we are growing: strawberries, chives, thyme, jalapeno, zucchini, swiss chard (because it looked so cute at the store), cilantro, basil and peas.

See the cool upside down tomato planter? My awesome in-laws got this contraption for us and I'm really excited about it. The little tiny tomatoes I started from seed are poking out the bottom.



  1. love the rug and the garden. you and the ear doctor make me think that marriage instantly transforms you into someone with good taste, a green thumb, and the ability to be endlessly creative... but i think that might just be you guys....

  2. Cool planter for the tomatos! LOVE the rug even more though! Impeccable taste, you! ;)

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Ha! The off-brand cereals always make me laugh, because they try to get as close to the name brand as they can without any actual copyright infringement. Instead of Frosted Flakes, try our FROSTY FLAKES! Put down those Rice Krispies and try some KRISPED RICE!
    So - were the off-brand Chex any good?

  4. Your garden rocks! And I love the rug - that hubby of yours definitely has a good eye! :)
