Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why being an adult rules

Yesterday I had a rough day. A great friend got laid off and I just couldn't take it. The ear doctor and I went for breakfast before work. As I was driving him back to the house I suddenly got the urge for an ice cream sandwich. The little angelic voice coming from my right shoulder said (in a tone not unlike my mother's):

"ice cream before work? in the morning? that's not healthily. Ice cream is supposed to come in the evening...or at least the afternoon."

But then I turned to my shoulder and asked, "says who?"

Upon hearing no response I shrugged the little voice off and succumbed to my desire.

Here we are, at 8:35 am enjoying our snacks:

Look at how those sandwiches seem to emit a heavenly glow!

Rest assured, it made me feel much better.

Don't worry, the ear doctor did a post-ice-cream-sandwich-teeth check before I went into work.


  1. I so would have picked the cookie sandwich that the ear doctor got. Just saying :)

  2. When we were kids, my mom would let us eat whatever we wanted for breakfast. Her mantra was, "Breakfast is the most important meal, so as long as you're eating *something* it's fine by me." All my teachers would roll their eyes at the fro-yo I'd bring to class in high school.

