Monday, August 11, 2008

Do yourself a favor

If you get Bon Appetit DO NOT MISS your chance to try Thomas Keller's recipe for fried chicken. I made it yesterday and it blew my freakin mind.

Literally, I'm sitting here in the hospital while the most talented neurosurgeons are attempting to piece together the poultry induced cranial explosion that occurred 2 milliseconds after my lips touched the finished product.

The ear doctor hadn't heard of Thomas Keller, and that really surprised me. But then I thought about it again and realized that maybe he wasn't quite as obsessed with food as I currently am. Then I realized maybe there is someone else out there who hasn't heard of this award winning, ground breaking, amazing American chef. He has a restaurant in Napa valley called The French Laundry that is supposed to be amazing. I've only read stories about it, but from all accounts this is the place to go for your last meal to die a happy foodie death.

I'm probably not going to get to go to his restaurant any time soon, in the mean time I think I'm going to make his fried chicken every Sunday night from now until the day I die.


  1. What happened to doing a recipe each week?

  2. It didn't seem like anyone but my mom was really interested and it was starting to stress me out a little.

    Maybe I'll do it again and do a new recipe every other week or something.

  3. I was actually enjoying the recipes - just silently. If you start up again, I promise to comment more.

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I would love to go to his restaurant! I saw it on an episode of Anthony Bourdain's show and it looked amazing. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

  5. Sorry to hear you were getting stressed with the recipes. I was really enjoying Cookin' With Katie, though! I for one would love to see your foodie club make a resurgence. I promise I'll comment on the eats.

    p.s. Thanks for the poulty inspiration. I'll try it out this week.

  6. So are you anti-plagiarism and won't share the recipe on your blog? C'mon! Some of us can only afford family fun magazine in our magazine budget... I'm dying to try this out now!

    You could email it to me if you don't want to post it.... my email is janicotton at gmail dot com

  7. So you were literally in the hospital? You shouldn't write things like that or it will be your turn for Mom to worry about you.

    I also seem to recall that I love food and when I used to try and talk to you about it you told me, "Not everyone is as interested in your chosen field of study as you are." You know I love you and I also loved your weekly food articles. It's good to hear what turns out and what doesn't, even if I don't have the money to make everything.

    Also, did I tell you that when you had the pizza photo up on your sidebar Charlotte pointed to it and said, "Zeezaa! Mmm Mmm!" It was really funny.

  8. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I was thinking that I would go find the chicken recipe one my own. I clicked on bon appetit and there on the front page was the recipe for focacci that I had been looking for. I nominate it for the next recipe. ( It is self serving, I have kalamata olives left from the pasta salad as Dad tends to overpurchase.)

  9. When you make the chicken, also make the key lime cupcakes from the same bon appetit issue. YUM.

  10. Ohhh, I'm making those tonight!

  11. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Future Blogger:
    I LOVED your recipes that you posted...However, I am a total slacker at putting comments. I too will promise to comment on the recipes if you do them again. I tried two of them....One was delicious...and well, the other, it needs to RIP due my kitchen skills...No stress on you, but I really, really loved that part!! :)
    hint, hint...but no stress for you... but gee they were good...hint hint TeeHee
    Just love reading your blog with or without recipies!

  12. I'm just a stalker/fan.

    Thomas Keller is actually going to heaven. And he will be God's personal chef.

    Did you know he was the top culinary consultant for "Ratatoille"?

  13. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Is Thomas Keller related to Helen Keller?
