Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hey, share the covers!

When we got married we spent a sizable chunk of our gift money on getting a bed. And, boy oh boy, did we get a BED. It's a king size beauty that weighs about a million pounds. Actually, since we live on the third floor it's the driving force behind my refusal to ever move again. I just can't see how we're ever going to lift and carry the beast down 2 flights of stairs.

Anyway, this bed is amazing. It has a deep, lush pillow top that envelopes me and makes me feel like a new-born bebe, swaddled in love by my mothers tender touch. At least that's how it feels when I first lay down. After about 6 hours of sleep, during which I don't move at all, the dead weight creates a deep impression on my side of the bed. Each night this impression gets deeper and deeper, as if I were a sawdust stuffed body laying immovable on a bed for 20 years.

I hate sleeping in this body rut. My back gets all messed up and my neck hurts. I don't even have to use a pillow anymore because the impression is so deep.

The ear doctor does not believe that this sink hole occurs on my side of the bed. He's tested my side and just doesn't believe that its as bad as it is. He thinks I'm make up the severity of the situation. I can't understand why he'd think that I NEVER exaggerate or embellish a story for effect. NEVER!

Well, guess what. Last night I slept on HIS side of the bed. Ha! I reveled in the rut-free-ed-ness. I tossed back and forth amazed by the lack of a downward pull from gravity to drag me to the bottom of my body impression. I slept deeply and soundly. My back and neck feel like a million bucks and I'm one happy wife.

So after this highly scientific study I've decided that I am now fully justified in sleeping in the dead center of the bed, where this is a beautifully unsquished segment of bed stuffing. Sorry, ear doctor, you'll just have to sleep on your side with your bum hanging off the edge. It's the only way I can really get some good ZZZ's. Thanks for being so willing to sacrifice.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    You need to rotate the mattress then he can make his own rut.

  2. Rotating the mattress is a good idea but it really depends on the type of topper you have. Our last two beds (yes we've gotten two new ones in on eyear, long story....) have both been the pillow tops that you do NOT flip over. You can rotate them but not flip them. On our last bed we got a down pillow top that we put on top of the one built into the mattress. It was lush, plus and oh-so swoon-worthy. Then I got a rut on my side. It was whack, yo. We ditched the extra pillow top and bought a whole new bed with another built in pillow top. I've kissed down pillow tops goodbye till our existing mattress is old and needs one. I HATE THE RUT!!!!!!!!!! I even tried switching sides with Rob (he can sleep anywhere so this was not an issue like it rightly is with most poeople) but it didn't help. It felt unnatural. *Sigh*

  3. my hubby had the same exact problem with our brand new, super plush mattress! we actually ended up moving that mattress to the guest bedroom because it got so bad after one whole year. what brand is yours? ours is the sealy posturrpedic...

  4. We spin our bed about once a month to even it out.

    The strange thing is that his side doesn't have a rut at all, only mine. Maybe becuase his shoulders are so wide they distribute his weight better?

  5. perhaps it's the extra hours you go to bed before him? All that extra time in the bed could make for a squished side. Now he might have a legitimate argument for staying up late!

  6. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Ask Aunt Marci, she has researched the mattress subject.
    Grandma Jane

  7. Anonymous12:30 AM

    My bum has been in the air for 29 years

  8. Hey, it's my first time here.
    I am right there with you on the bed situation. The minute the Mr is out of the bed in the morning, I roll straight to the middle of the bed. I am not awake for this. Not at all. I don't remember doing it but I do every morning.
