Monday, September 22, 2008

Heres the thing

The ear doctor loves Halloween. It's probably one of his top 3 favorite holidays. He thinks of a costume months and months in advance and we usually spend about 3 weeks sewing his masterpiece together. I really wish I had the photo of him as a garden gnome to was pure art.

This year we haven't been invited to any Halloween parties. My bff whose birthday is Halloween moved to Baltimore (curses) so now it looks like we may not have any real plans for the big night. This was a bit of a relief for me. I thought maybe we could just get some scary (ish) movies and stay up late together getting freaked out.

However, the past couple of weeks the ear doctor has started trying to talk me into going TRICK-OR-TREATING with him. Um, we don't have any kids or anything. He thinks it is totally legit for two adults almost 30 years old to dress up and beg for candy. He keeps insisting that it would be hilarious to see the looks on people's faces when they open the door and there we are, bags extended. Our dignity for the bargain basement price of a stale, rock hard tootsie roll and partially opened smarties.

I just can't bring myself to catch his vision for the evening.

What do you think? Strange or kind of funny?

WHOA, lots of you are very passionate about this one. What if instead of just showing up and asking for a treat we provide a trick as well? I could play my fiddle and the ear doctor could make our dog dance on his back legs? Would that be funnier/prevent hostility?


  1. ummm truthfully if two 30 year olds came to my door wanting candy they'd get a swift kick in the pants....:) we had someone come by last year who was taking their DOG trick-or-treating...what the??!! If you lived here I'd be more than willing to let you borrow my kids and take them around :) We totally score with candy from their cute little faces and costumes :)

  2. Weird, and I probably wouldn't give you any candy either. "Sorry, but the candy is for the kids." THat's what I'd say.

  3. Definitely strange and not cool. I'd stick with renting the scary movies. I wouldn't give you candy either. Sorry man.

  4. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Yeah, apologies for the somewhat brutal honesty, but 2 adults in costumes trick-or-treating? Not even a little bit funny (and I'd likely send you away and give you dirty looks).

    UNLESS (see there's potential here!!!), you only go to your friends' houses (bonus points if you don't tell them ahead of time). Because if I came to my door expecting little kids and saw two good (adult) friends of mine fully dressed up? I would CRACK UP. So I would say that's a possibility. But otherwise? ummm... no, sorry ear doctor!!

  5. No. Lame, weird, annoying, preposterous. I reserve a "special" type of candy for too-old trick or treaters.

  6. Anonymous2:13 PM

    If he really insists on going tt...maybe you could offer to take some of the kids from church? I am sure there is at least 1 mom out there who would be greatful if you took her kids out. Or from you girl's group? Or maybe you could have your own halloween party??


  7. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Oh I forgot to could see if your local food bank is participating in the trick or eat program (where people go door to door asking for canned goods etc for the food bank)..


  8. Sorry ED, that is not legit.

  9. Have to go with the crowd here - I am deeply and vehemently against people over the age of fourteen trick or treating. period.

  10. Yeah... I have to agree - it's weird. but I agree with Lindsey about showing up at your friends' houses.

    My first suggestion was going to be - host your own party. Maybe you can even do something with your ward.

    I like anonymous' idea of offering to take kiddos from your ward out - particularly for those mommies who have new babies AND kids of Trick or Treat age.

    But I do like the idea of the two of you dressing up - knocking on random doors saying "Trick or Treat" - then one of you holds up a little sign that says "You really ought to choose TRICK" and then have them choose between dog tricks or your fiddle.
    I would love to see you at my door with your fiddle! And I'd want to see ED dance foolishly while you play!!!

  11. We made the mistake of going trick or treating when I was in high school, and people were so rude. They were not amused with a group of 16 year olds, I can imagine what people would say to a couple of adults. What about dressing up to give out candy? Do you get trick or treaters at your house? Or maybe you can find some friends who need help with their kids on Halloween?

  12. Anonymous9:09 PM

    If you get alot of trick-or-treaters in your apartment complex - dressing up to GIVE treats would probably earn you some props for a "fun house". There was a guy in Aberdeen who sat, dressed as a scarecrow, on his front porch & scared the bejeebers out of kids who didn't know he was alive.......PS Romy has a costume & LOVES to help us give out treats.

  13. :( Awww, geez, people!! Dont be so harsh! I think theres a big difference between clearly mature adults dressing up to have some fun and sketchy teeneagers out to terrorize the neighborhood and little kids.

    Halloween is a huge holiday in the restaurant business and falls just after New Years Eve in terms of business! Adults love having the chance to dress up and you see a lot of time and effort put into costumes. I realize you dont drink, but are there any places offering adult, non-alcoholic parties in your area? Maybe you could try to organize one, if not! There have to be others who would love an adult party without alcohol.

    I second the suggestion of taking the children of friends or family trick or treating...Im sure they would love it!

    Or what about if you went trick or treating, but GAVE candy instead of asking for it at houses? Surely people couldnt object to that kind of suprise!

  14. I got alot of dirty looks when I was in high school so that probably wouldn't go over to well.

  15. I say just go to your friends houses. If one of our friends came to our house all dressed up I would have a good laugh with them.
